Source code for ciscoisesdk.restsession

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""RestSession class for creating connections to the Identity Services Engine APIs.

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of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from future import standard_library


import errno
import logging
import os
import re
import socket
import time
import urllib.parse
import warnings
from builtins import *

import requests
from past.builtins import basestring
from requests.packages.urllib3.response import HTTPResponse
from requests_toolbelt.multipart import encoder

from .config import (
from .exceptions import (
from .misc import check_response_code
from .response_codes import EXPECTED_RESPONSE_CODE
from .restresponse import RestResponse
from .utils import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DownloadResponse(HTTPResponse): """Download Response wrapper. Bases: urllib3.response.HTTPResponse. For more information check the `urlib3 documentation <>`_ HTTP Response container. """ def __init__(self, response, path, filename, dirpath, collected_data): """ Creates a new DownloadResponse object. By calling urllib3.response.HTTPResponse __init__ method with the raw property of requests.Response, it recovers data from the API response It adds properties regarding the download: filename, dirpath and path Args: response(requests.Response): The Response object, which contains a server's response to an HTTP request. path(basestring): The downloaded file path. filename(basestring): The downloaded filename. dirpath(basestring): The download directory path. collected_data(bytes): HTTP response's data. """ super(DownloadResponse, self).__init__( body=response.raw, headers=response.headers, status=response.status_code, reason=response.reason, request_method=response.request.method, request_url=response.request.url, ) # adds additional and important information self._filename = filename self._dirpath = dirpath self._path = path self._collected_data = collected_data @property def data(self): """The HTTPResponse's data""" # Call HTTPResponse's data property original_data = super(DownloadResponse, self).data # It uses the one that has value prioritizing the HTTPResponse's data return original_data or self._collected_data @property def filename(self): """The downloaded filename""" return self._filename @property def dirpath(self): """The downloaded directory path""" return self._dirpath @property def path(self): """The download file path""" return self._path
# Main module interface class RestSession(object): """RESTful HTTP session class for making calls to the Identity Services Engine APIs.""" def __init__(self, get_access_token, access_token, base_url, single_request_timeout=DEFAULT_SINGLE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, wait_on_rate_limit=DEFAULT_WAIT_ON_RATE_LIMIT, verify=DEFAULT_VERIFY, version=None, headers={'Content-type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8', 'Accept': 'application/json'}, debug=False, uses_csrf_token=None, get_csrf_token=None): """Initialize a new RestSession object. Args: get_access_token(callable): The Identity Services Engine method to get a new access token. access_token(basestring): The Identity Services Engine access token to be used for this session. base_url(basestring): The base URL that will be suffixed onto API endpoint relative URLs to produce a callable absolute URL. single_request_timeout(int): The timeout (seconds) for a single HTTP REST API request. wait_on_rate_limit(bool): Enable or disable automatic rate-limit handling. verify(bool,basestring): Controls whether we verify the server's TLS certificate, or a string, in which case it must be a path to a CA bundle to use. version(basestring): Controls which version of IDENTITY_SERVICES_ENGINE to use. Defaults to ciscoisesdk.config.IDENTITY_SERVICES_ENGINE_VERSION headers(dict): Allows to add headers to RestSession requests. debug(bool,basestring): Controls whether to log information about Identity Services Engine APIs' request and response process. Defaults to the DEBUG environment variable or False if the environment variable is not set. uses_csrf_token(bool): Controls whether we send the CSRF token to ISE's ERS APIs. get_csrf_token(callable): The Identity Services Engine method to get a new CSRF token. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. """ check_type(access_token, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(base_url, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(single_request_timeout, int) check_type(wait_on_rate_limit, bool, may_be_none=False) check_type(verify, (bool, basestring), may_be_none=False) check_type(version, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(debug, (bool), may_be_none=False) check_type(uses_csrf_token, (bool), may_be_none=False) super(RestSession, self).__init__() # Initialize attributes and properties self._base_url = str(validate_base_url(base_url)) self._get_access_token = get_access_token self._get_csrf_token = get_csrf_token self._csrf_token = None self._uses_csrf_token = uses_csrf_token self._access_token = str(access_token) self._single_request_timeout = single_request_timeout self._wait_on_rate_limit = wait_on_rate_limit self._verify = verify self._version = version self._debug = debug if self._debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.propagate = True else: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) if verify is False: requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() # Initialize a new `requests` session self._req_session = requests.session() # Update the headers of the `requests` session self.update_headers({'authorization': 'Basic ' + access_token}) if headers and isinstance(headers, dict): self.update_headers(headers) @property def version(self): """The API version of Identity Services Engine.""" return self._version @property def verify(self): """The verify (TLS Certificate) for the API endpoints.""" return self._verify @verify.setter def verify(self, value): """The verify (TLS Certificate) for the API endpoints.""" check_type(value, (bool, basestring), may_be_none=False) self._verify = value @property def base_url(self): """The base URL for the API endpoints.""" return self._base_url @base_url.setter def base_url(self, value): """The base URL for the API endpoints.""" check_type(value, basestring, may_be_none=False) self._base_url = str(validate_base_url(value)) @property def single_request_timeout(self): """The timeout (seconds) for a single HTTP REST API request.""" return self._single_request_timeout @single_request_timeout.setter def single_request_timeout(self, value): """The timeout (seconds) for a single HTTP REST API request.""" check_type(value, int) assert value is None or value > 0 self._single_request_timeout = value @property def wait_on_rate_limit(self): """Automatic rate-limit handling. This setting enables or disables automatic rate-limit handling. When enabled, rate-limited requests will be automatically be retried after waiting `Retry-After` seconds (provided by Identity Services Engine in the rate-limit response header). """ return self._wait_on_rate_limit @wait_on_rate_limit.setter def wait_on_rate_limit(self, value): """Enable or disable automatic rate-limit handling.""" check_type(value, bool, may_be_none=False) self._wait_on_rate_limit = value @property def headers(self): """The HTTP headers used for requests in this session.""" return self._req_session.headers.copy() @property def debug(self): """If log information about this REST session of the Identity Services Engine API's request and response process is shown.""" return self._debug @debug.setter def debug(self, value): """If log information about this REST session of the Identity Services Engine API's request and response process is shown.""" self._debug = value if self._debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.propagate = True else: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) @property def uses_csrf_token(self): """If this RestSession requires the X-CSRF-Token to be sent.""" return self._uses_csrf_token @uses_csrf_token.setter def uses_csrf_token(self, value): """If this RestSession requires the X-CSRF-Token to be sent.""" check_type(value, (bool, basestring), may_be_none=False) self._uses_csrf_token = value if isinstance(self._uses_csrf_token, str): self._uses_csrf_token = 'true' in self._uses_csrf_token.lower() def update_headers(self, headers): """Update the HTTP headers used for requests in this session. Note: Updates provided by the dictionary passed as the `headers` parameter to this method are merged into the session headers by adding new key-value pairs and/or updating the values of existing keys. The session headers are not replaced by the provided dictionary. Args: headers(dict): Updates to the current session headers. """ check_type(headers, dict, may_be_none=False) self._req_session.headers.update(headers) def refresh_token(self): """Call the get_access_token method and update the session's auth header with the new token. """ self._access_token = self._get_access_token() self.update_headers({'authorization': 'Basic {}'.format(self._access_token)}) def set_csrf_token(self): """Call the get_csrf_token method and update the session's X-CSRF-Token header with the new token. """ if self._get_csrf_token is not None and callable(self._get_csrf_token): if self._csrf_token is None and self._uses_csrf_token: logger.debug('Refreshing CSRF token') self._csrf_token = self._get_csrf_token() logger.debug('Refreshed CSRF token.') self.update_headers({'X-CSRF-Token': self._csrf_token}) def reset_csrf_token(self): self._csrf_token = None def abs_url(self, url): """Given a relative or absolute URL; return an absolute URL. Args: url(basestring): A relative or absolute URL. Returns: str: An absolute URL. """ parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) if not parsed_url.scheme and not parsed_url.netloc: # url is a relative URL; combine with base_url return urllib.parse.urljoin(str(self.base_url), str(url)) else: # url is already an absolute URL; return as is return url def get_filename(self, content): """Get the filename from the Content-Disposition's header Args: content(basestring): the Content-Disposition's header Returns: str: the filename from the Content-Disposition's header Raises: Exception: If was not able to find the header's filename value. """ content_file_list = re.findall('filename=(.*)', content) if len(content_file_list) > 0: content_file_name = content_file_list[0].replace('"', '') else: raise Exception("Could not find the header's filename value") return content_file_name def download(self, method, url, erc, custom_refresh, **kwargs): """It immediately downloads the response content. Args: method(basestring): The request-method type ('GET', 'POST', etc.). url(basestring): The URL of the API endpoint to be called. erc(int): The expected response code that should be returned by the Identity Services Engine API endpoint to indicate success. **kwargs: Passed on to the requests package. To download it to a file use the `save_file` kwarg equal to True. It defaults to False. If False is only 'downloaded' to a data property. To specify the downloaded file use the `filename` kwarg. It defaults to the value of the Content-Disposition header's filename. To specify the downloaded directory path use the `dirpath` kwarg. It defaults to the os.getcwd() result. Returns: DownloadResponse: The DownloadResponse wrapper. Wraps the urllib3.response.HTTPResponse. For more information check the `urlib3 documentation <>`_ Raises: DownloadFailure: If was not able to download the raw response to a file. """ save_file = kwargs.pop('save_file', False) dirpath = kwargs.pop('dirpath', None) filename = kwargs.pop('filename', None) filepath = None collected_data = bytes() if not(dirpath) or not(os.path.isdir(dirpath)): dirpath = os.getcwd() with self.request(method, url, erc, 0, **kwargs) as resp: if resp.headers and resp.headers.get('Content-Disposition'): try: content = resp.headers.get('Content-Disposition') filename = filename or self.get_filename(content) filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) except Exception as e: raise DownloadFailure(resp, e) if save_file and filepath: try: with open(filepath, 'wb') as f: logger.debug('Downloading {0}'.format(filepath)) for chunk in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: collected_data += chunk f.write(chunk) except Exception as e: raise DownloadFailure(resp, e) logger.debug('Downloaded {0}'.format(filepath)) final_response = DownloadResponse(resp, filepath, filename, dirpath, collected_data) return final_response def request(self, method, url, erc, custom_refresh, **kwargs): """Abstract base method for making requests to the Identity Services Engine APIs. This base method: * Expands the API endpoint URL to an absolute URL * Makes the actual HTTP request to the API endpoint * Provides support for Identity Services Engine rate-limiting * Inspects response codes and raises exceptions as appropriate * Updates the token if response code is 401 - Unauthorized and makes the request to the API endpoint again Args: method(basestring): The request-method type ('GET', 'POST', etc.). url(basestring): The URL of the API endpoint to be called. erc(int): The expected response code that should be returned by the Identity Services Engine API endpoint to indicate success. **kwargs: Passed on to the requests package. Returns: requests.Response: The Response object, which contains a server's response to an HTTP request. Raises: ApiError: If anything other than the expected response code is returned by the Identity Services Engine API endpoint. """ # Ensure the url is an absolute URL abs_url = self.abs_url(url) # Update request kwargs with session defaults kwargs.setdefault('timeout', self.single_request_timeout) kwargs.setdefault('verify', self.verify) # Fixes requests inconsistent behavior with additional parameters if not kwargs.get('json'): kwargs.pop('json', None) if not kwargs.get('data'): kwargs.pop('data', None) requires_csrf = method in ['POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'] if requires_csrf: self.set_csrf_token() c = custom_refresh while True: c += 1 # Make the HTTP request to the API endpoint try: logger.debug('Attempt {}'.format(c)) logger.debug(pprint_request_info(abs_url, method, _headers=self.headers, **kwargs)) response = self._req_session.request(method, abs_url, **kwargs) except socket.error: # A socket error self.reset_csrf_token() try: c += 1 logger.debug('Attempt {}'.format(c)) response = self._req_session.request(method, abs_url, **kwargs) except Exception as e: raise ciscoisesdkException('Socket error {}'.format(e)) except IOError as e: self.reset_csrf_token() if e.errno == errno.EPIPE: # EPIPE error try: c += 1 logger.debug('Attempt {}'.format(c)) response = self._req_session.request(method, abs_url, **kwargs) except Exception as e: raise ciscoisesdkException('PipeError {}'.format(e)) else: raise ciscoisesdkException('IOError {}'.format(e)) try: # Check the response code for error conditions check_response_code(response, erc, additional_data=get_exception_additional_data(headers=self.headers, response=response)) except RateLimitError as e: self.reset_csrf_token() # Catch rate-limit errors # Wait and retry if automatic rate-limit handling is enabled if self.wait_on_rate_limit: warnings.warn(RateLimitWarning(response)) time.sleep(e.retry_after) continue else: # Re-raise the RateLimitError raise except ApiError as e: self.reset_csrf_token() if e.status_code == 401 and custom_refresh < 1: logger.debug(pprint_response_info(response)) logger.debug('Refreshing access token') self.refresh_token() logger.debug('Refreshed token.') return self.request(method, url, erc, 1, **kwargs) elif e.status_code == 403 and custom_refresh < 1: logger.debug(pprint_response_info(response)) return self.request(method, url, erc, 1, **kwargs) else: # Re-raise the ApiError logger.debug(pprint_response_info(response)) raise else: logger.debug(pprint_response_info(response)) return response def multipart_data(self, fields, create_callback): """Creates a multipart/form-data body. Args: fields(dict,list): form data values. create_callback(function): function that creates a function that monitors the progress of the upload. boundary: MultipartEncoder's boundary. Default value: None. encoding(string): MultipartEncoder's encoding. Default value: utf-8. """ if fields is not None: e = encoder.MultipartEncoder( fields=fields ) if create_callback is not None: callback = create_callback(e) m = encoder.MultipartEncoderMonitor(e, callback) return m else: return e else: return None def get(self, url, params=None, **kwargs): """Sends a GET request. Args: url(basestring): The URL of the API endpoint. params(dict): The parameters for the HTTP GET request. **kwargs: erc(int): The expected (success) response code for the request. others: Passed on to the requests package. Returns: DownloadResponse: If it has `stream` kwarg with a True value. Any: Result of the `json.loads` of the server's response to an HTTP request. Raises: ApiError: If anything other than the expected response code is returned by the Identity Services Engine API endpoint. """ check_type(url, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(params, dict) # Expected response code erc = kwargs.pop('erc', EXPECTED_RESPONSE_CODE['GET']) stream = kwargs.get('stream', None) if stream: return'GET', url, erc, 0, params=params, **kwargs) else: response = self.request('GET', url, erc, 0, params=params, **kwargs) return RestResponse(response) def post(self, url, params=None, json=None, data=None, **kwargs): """Sends a POST request. Args: url(basestring): The URL of the API endpoint. json: Data to be sent in JSON format in tbe body of the request. data: Data to be sent in the body of the request. **kwargs: erc(int): The expected (success) response code for the request. others: Passed on to the requests package. Returns: DownloadResponse: If it has `stream` kwarg with a True value. Any: Result of the `json.loads` of the server's response to an HTTP request. Raises: ApiError: If anything other than the expected response code is returned by the Identity Services Engine API endpoint. """ check_type(url, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(params, dict) # Expected response code erc = kwargs.pop('erc', EXPECTED_RESPONSE_CODE['POST']) stream = kwargs.get('stream', None) if stream: return'POST', url, erc, 0, params=params, json=json, data=data, **kwargs) else: response = self.request('POST', url, erc, 0, params=params, json=json, data=data, **kwargs) return RestResponse(response) def put(self, url, params=None, json=None, data=None, **kwargs): """Sends a PUT request. Args: url(basestring): The URL of the API endpoint. json: Data to be sent in JSON format in tbe body of the request. data: Data to be sent in the body of the request. **kwargs: erc(int): The expected (success) response code for the request. others: Passed on to the requests package. Returns: DownloadResponse: If it has `stream` kwarg with a True value. Any: Result of the `json.loads` of the server's response to an HTTP request. Raises: ApiError: If anything other than the expected response code is returned by the Identity Services Engine API endpoint. """ check_type(url, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(params, dict) # Expected response code erc = kwargs.pop('erc', EXPECTED_RESPONSE_CODE['PUT']) stream = kwargs.get('stream', None) if stream: return'PUT', url, erc, 0, params=params, json=json, data=data, **kwargs) else: response = self.request('PUT', url, erc, 0, params=params, json=json, data=data, **kwargs) return RestResponse(response) def delete(self, url, params=None, **kwargs): """Sends a DELETE request. Args: url(basestring): The URL of the API endpoint. **kwargs: erc(int): The expected (success) response code for the request. others: Passed on to the requests package. Raises: ApiError: If anything other than the expected response code is returned by the Identity Services Engine API endpoint. """ check_type(url, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(params, dict) # Expected response code erc = kwargs.pop('erc', EXPECTED_RESPONSE_CODE['DELETE']) response = self.request('DELETE', url, erc, 0, params=params, **kwargs) return RestResponse(response)