Source code for ciscoisesdk.api.v3_1_patch_1.certificates

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Cisco Identity Services Engine Certificates API wrapper.

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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from builtins import *

from past.builtins import basestring

from ...pagination import get_next_page
from ...restsession import RestSession
from ...utils import (

[docs]class Certificates(object): """Identity Services Engine Certificates API (version: 3.1_Patch_1). Wraps the Identity Services Engine Certificates API and exposes the API as native Python methods that return native Python objects. """ def __init__(self, session, object_factory, request_validator): """Initialize a new Certificates object with the provided RestSession. Args: session(RestSession): The RESTful session object to be used for API calls to the Identity Services Engine service. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. """ check_type(session, RestSession) super(Certificates, self).__init__() self._session = session self._object_factory = object_factory self._request_validator = request_validator
[docs] def get_csrs(self, filter=None, filter_type=None, page=None, size=None, sort=None, sort_by=None, headers=None, **query_parameters): """ This API supports Filtering, Sorting and Pagination. Filtering and Sorting supported on below mentioned attributes: friendlyName subject timeStamp Supported Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS Supported Operators: EQ, NEQ, GT and LT . Args: page(int): page query parameter. Page number. size(int): size query parameter. Number of objects returned per page. sort(basestring): sort query parameter. sort type asc or desc. sort_by(basestring): sortBy query parameter. sort column by which objects needs to be sorted. filter(basestring, list, set, tuple): filter query parameter. Simple filtering should be available through the filter query string parameter. The structure of a filter is a triplet of field operator and value separated with dots. More than one filter can be sent. The logical operator common to ALL filter criteria will be by default AND, and can be changed by using the "filterType=or" query string parameter. Each resource Data model description should specify if an attribute is a filtered field. OPERATOR DESCRIPTION EQ Equals NEQ Not Equals GT Greater Than LT Less Then STARTSW Starts With NSTARTSW Not Starts With ENDSW Ends With NENDSW Not Ends With CONTAINS Contains NCONTAINS Not Contains . filter_type(basestring): filterType query parameter. The logical operator common to ALL filter criteria will be by default AND, and can be changed by using the parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: RestResponse: REST response with following properties: - headers(MyDict): response headers. - response(MyDict): response body as a MyDict object. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. - content(bytes): representation of the request's response - text(str): representation of the request's response Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: pass with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True check_type(page, (int, basestring, list)) check_type(size, (int, basestring, list)) check_type(sort, basestring) check_type(sort_by, basestring) check_type(filter, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(filter_type, basestring) _params = { 'page': page, 'size': size, 'sort': sort, 'sortBy': sort_by, 'filter': filter, 'filterType': filter_type, } _params.update(query_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } e_url = ('/api/v1/certs/certificate-signing-request') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: _api_response = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: _api_response = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_eeef18d70b159f788b717e301dd3643_v3_1_patch_1', _api_response)
[docs] def get_csrs_generator(self, filter=None, filter_type=None, page=None, size=None, sort=None, sort_by=None, headers=None, **query_parameters): """ This API supports Filtering, Sorting and Pagination. Filtering and Sorting supported on below mentioned attributes: friendlyName subject timeStamp Supported Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS Supported Operators: EQ, NEQ, GT and LT . Args: page(int): page query parameter. Page number. size(int): size query parameter. Number of objects returned per page. sort(basestring): sort query parameter. sort type asc or desc. sort_by(basestring): sortBy query parameter. sort column by which objects needs to be sorted. filter(basestring, list, set, tuple): filter query parameter. Simple filtering should be available through the filter query string parameter. The structure of a filter is a triplet of field operator and value separated with dots. More than one filter can be sent. The logical operator common to ALL filter criteria will be by default AND, and can be changed by using the "filterType=or" query string parameter. Each resource Data model description should specify if an attribute is a filtered field. OPERATOR DESCRIPTION EQ Equals NEQ Not Equals GT Greater Than LT Less Then STARTSW Starts With NSTARTSW Not Starts With ENDSW Ends With NENDSW Not Ends With CONTAINS Contains NCONTAINS Not Contains . filter_type(basestring): filterType query parameter. The logical operator common to ALL filter criteria will be by default AND, and can be changed by using the parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: Generator: A generator object containing the following object. + RestResponse: REST response with following properties: - headers(MyDict): response headers. - response(MyDict): response body as a MyDict object. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. - content(bytes): representation of the request's response - text(str): representation of the request's response Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. """ yield from get_next_page( self.get_csrs, dict( filter=filter, filter_type=filter_type, page=page, size=size, sort=sort, sort_by=sort_by, headers=headers, **query_parameters ), access_next_list=["nextPage", "href"], access_resource_list=["response"])
[docs] def generate_csr(self, allow_wild_card_cert=None, certificate_policies=None, digest_type=None, hostnames=None, key_length=None, key_type=None, portal_group_tag=None, san_dir=None, san_dns=None, san_ip=None, san_uri=None, subject_city=None, subject_common_name=None, subject_country=None, subject_org=None, subject_org_unit=None, subject_state=None, used_for=None, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **query_parameters): """ Generate a certificate signing request for Multi-Use, Admin, EAP Authentication, RADIUS DTLS, PxGrid, SAML, Portal and IMS Services. Following parameters are present in POST request body PARAMETER DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE hostnames List of Cisco ISE node hostnames for which CSRs should be generated "hostnames": ["ise-host1", "ise-host2"] allowWildCardCert Allow use of WildCards in certificates "allowWildCardCert": false keyLength * required Length of the key used for CSR generation (required). "keyLength": "512" keyType * required Type of key used for CSR generation either RSA or ECDSA (required). "keyType": "RSA" digestType * required Hash algorithm used for signing CSR (required). "digestType": "SHA-256" usedFor * required Certificate usage (required). "usedFor": "MULTI-USE" certificatePolicies Certificate policy OID or list of OIDs that the certificate should conform to. Use comma or space to separate the OIDs. "certificatePolicies": "Certificate Policies" subjectCommonName * required Certificate common name (CN) (required). "subjectCommonName": "$FQDN$" subjectOrgUnit Certificate organizational unit (OU). "subjectOrgUnit": "Engineering" subjectOrg Certificate organization (O). "subjectOrg": "Cisco" subjectCity Certificate city or locality (L). "subjectCity": "San Jose" subjectState Certificate state (ST). "subjectState": "California" subjectCountry Certificate country (C). "subjectCountry": "US" sanDNS Array of SAN (Subject Alternative Name) DNS entries (optional). "sanDNS": [""] sanIP Array of SAN IP entries (optional). "sanIP": [""] sanURI Array of SAN URI entries (optional). "sanURI": [""] sanDir Array of SAN DIR entries (optional). "sanDir": ["CN=AAA,DC=COM,C=IL"] portalGroupTag Portal Group Tag when using certificate for PORTAL service "portalGroupTag": "Default Portal Certificate Group" NOTE: For allowWildCardCert to be false, the below mentioned parameter is mandatory: hostnames When certificate is selected to be used for Portal Service, the below mentioned parameter is mandatory: portalGroupTag . Args: allow_wild_card_cert(boolean): allowWildCardCert, property of the request body. certificate_policies(string): certificatePolicies, property of the request body. digest_type(string): digestType, property of the request body. Available values are 'SHA-256', 'SHA-384' and 'SHA-512'. hostnames(list): hostnames, property of the request body (list of strings). key_length(string): keyLength, property of the request body. Available values are '1024', '2048', '4096' and '512'. key_type(string): keyType, property of the request body. Available values are 'ECDSA' and 'RSA'. portal_group_tag(string): portalGroupTag, property of the request body. san_dns(list): sanDNS, property of the request body (list of strings). san_dir(list): sanDir, property of the request body (list of strings). san_ip(list): sanIP, property of the request body (list of strings). san_uri(list): sanURI, property of the request body (list of strings). subject_city(string): subjectCity, property of the request body. subject_common_name(string): subjectCommonName, property of the request body. subject_country(string): subjectCountry, property of the request body. subject_org(string): subjectOrg, property of the request body. subject_org_unit(string): subjectOrgUnit, property of the request body. subject_state(string): subjectState, property of the request body. used_for(string): usedFor, property of the request body. Available values are 'ADMIN', 'DTLS- AUTH', 'EAP-AUTH', 'IMS', 'MULTI-USE', 'PORTAL', 'PXGRID' and 'SAML'. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(dict): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: RestResponse: REST response with following properties: - headers(MyDict): response headers. - response(MyDict): response body as a MyDict object. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. - content(bytes): representation of the request's response - text(str): representation of the request's response Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: pass with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True is_xml_payload = 'application/xml' in _headers.get('Content-Type', []) if active_validation and is_xml_payload: check_type(payload, basestring) if active_validation and not is_xml_payload: check_type(payload, dict) _params = { } _params.update(query_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } if is_xml_payload: _payload = payload else: _payload = { 'allowWildCardCert': allow_wild_card_cert, 'certificatePolicies': certificate_policies, 'digestType': digest_type, 'hostnames': hostnames, 'keyLength': key_length, 'keyType': key_type, 'portalGroupTag': portal_group_tag, 'sanDNS': san_dns, 'sanDir': san_dir, 'sanIP': san_ip, 'sanURI': san_uri, 'subjectCity': subject_city, 'subjectCommonName': subject_common_name, 'subjectCountry': subject_country, 'subjectOrg': subject_org, 'subjectOrgUnit': subject_org_unit, 'subjectState': subject_state, 'usedFor': used_for, } _payload.update(payload or {}) _payload = dict_from_items_with_values(_payload) if active_validation and not is_xml_payload: self._request_validator('jsd_e39868ea7aec5efcaaf55009699eda5d_v3_1_patch_1')\ .validate(_payload) e_url = ('/api/v1/certs/certificate-signing-request') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) request_params = {'data': _payload} if is_xml_payload else {'json': _payload} if with_custom_headers: _api_response =, params=_params, headers=_headers, **request_params) else: _api_response =, params=_params, **request_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_e39868ea7aec5efcaaf55009699eda5d_v3_1_patch_1', _api_response)
[docs] def export_csr(self, hostname, id, dirpath=None, save_file=None, filename=None, headers=None, **query_parameters): """Response of this API carries a CSR corresponding to the requested ID. Args: hostname(basestring): hostname path parameter. Hostname to which the CSR belongs. id(basestring): id path parameter. ID of the CSR to be exported. dirpath(basestring): Directory absolute path. Defaults to os.getcwd(). save_file(bool): Enable or disable automatic file creation of raw response. filename(basestring): The filename used to save the download file. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: DownloadResponse: The DownloadResponse wrapper. Wraps the urllib3.response.HTTPResponse. For more information check the `urlib3 documentation <>`_ Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. DownloadFailure: If was not able to download the raw response to a file. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: pass with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True check_type(hostname, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(id, basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(query_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'hostname': hostname, 'id': id, } e_url = ('/api/v1/certs/certificate-signing-' + 'request/export/{hostname}/{id}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: _api_response = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers, stream=True, dirpath=dirpath, save_file=save_file, filename=filename) else: _api_response = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, stream=True, dirpath=dirpath, save_file=save_file, filename=filename) return self._object_factory('bpm_ec26ec11d92356a594a6efa55ccb9be7_v3_1_patch_1', _api_response)
[docs] def generate_intermediate_ca_csr(self, headers=None, **query_parameters): """CSR Generation for Intermediate Certificates. Args: headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: RestResponse: REST response with following properties: - headers(MyDict): response headers. - response(MyDict): response body as a MyDict object. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. - content(bytes): representation of the request's response - text(str): representation of the request's response Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: pass with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True _params = { } _params.update(query_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } e_url = ('/api/v1/certs/certificate-signing-request/intermediate-' + 'ca') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: _api_response =, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: _api_response =, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_bf95f099207a5b6599e04c47c22789c0_v3_1_patch_1', _api_response)
[docs] def get_csr_by_id(self, host_name, id, headers=None, **query_parameters): """This API displays details of a Certificate Signing Request of a particular node for given HostName and ID. Args: host_name(basestring): hostName path parameter. Name of the host of which CSR's should be returned. id(basestring): id path parameter. ID of the Certificate Signing Request returned. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: RestResponse: REST response with following properties: - headers(MyDict): response headers. - response(MyDict): response body as a MyDict object. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. - content(bytes): representation of the request's response - text(str): representation of the request's response Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: pass with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True check_type(host_name, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(id, basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(query_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'hostName': host_name, 'id': id, } e_url = ('/api/v1/certs/certificate-signing-' + 'request/{hostName}/{id}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: _api_response = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: _api_response = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_b8104a50fc565ae9a756d6d0152e0e5b_v3_1_patch_1', _api_response)
[docs] def delete_csr_by_id(self, host_name, id, headers=None, **query_parameters): """This API deletes a Certificate Signing Request of a particular node based on given HostName and ID. Args: host_name(basestring): hostName path parameter. Name of the host of which CSR's should be deleted. id(basestring): id path parameter. ID of the Certificate Signing Request to be deleted. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: RestResponse: REST response with following properties: - headers(MyDict): response headers. - response(MyDict): response body as a MyDict object. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. - content(bytes): representation of the request's response - text(str): representation of the request's response Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: pass with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True check_type(host_name, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(id, basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(query_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'hostName': host_name, 'id': id, } e_url = ('/api/v1/certs/certificate-signing-' + 'request/{hostName}/{id}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: _api_response = self._session.delete(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: _api_response = self._session.delete(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_bf792ec664fa5202beb776556908b0c1_v3_1_patch_1', _api_response)
[docs] def regenerate_ise_root_ca(self, remove_existing_ise_intermediate_csr=None, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **query_parameters): """This API initiates regeneration of Cisco ISE root CA certificate chain. Response contains ID which can be used to track the status. Setting "removeExistingISEIntermediateCSR" to true removes existing Cisco ISE Intermediate CSR. Args: remove_existing_ise_intermediate_csr(boolean): Setting this attribute to true removes existing Cisco ISE Intermediate CSR, property of the request body. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(dict): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: RestResponse: REST response with following properties: - headers(MyDict): response headers. - response(MyDict): response body as a MyDict object. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. - content(bytes): representation of the request's response - text(str): representation of the request's response Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: pass with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True is_xml_payload = 'application/xml' in _headers.get('Content-Type', []) if active_validation and is_xml_payload: check_type(payload, basestring) if active_validation and not is_xml_payload: check_type(payload, dict) _params = { } _params.update(query_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } if is_xml_payload: _payload = payload else: _payload = { 'removeExistingISEIntermediateCSR': remove_existing_ise_intermediate_csr, } _payload.update(payload or {}) _payload = dict_from_items_with_values(_payload) if active_validation and not is_xml_payload: self._request_validator('jsd_e6d1b224e058288a8c4d70be72c9a6_v3_1_patch_1')\ .validate(_payload) e_url = ('/api/v1/certs/ise-root-ca/regenerate') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) request_params = {'data': _payload} if is_xml_payload else {'json': _payload} if with_custom_headers: _api_response =, params=_params, headers=_headers, **request_params) else: _api_response =, params=_params, **request_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_e6d1b224e058288a8c4d70be72c9a6_v3_1_patch_1', _api_response)
[docs] def renew_certificates(self, cert_type=None, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **query_parameters): """This API initiates regeneration of certificates. Response contains ID which can be used to track the status. Args: cert_type(string): certType, property of the request body. Available values are 'IMS' and 'OCSP'. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(dict): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: RestResponse: REST response with following properties: - headers(MyDict): response headers. - response(MyDict): response body as a MyDict object. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. - content(bytes): representation of the request's response - text(str): representation of the request's response Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: pass with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True is_xml_payload = 'application/xml' in _headers.get('Content-Type', []) if active_validation and is_xml_payload: check_type(payload, basestring) if active_validation and not is_xml_payload: check_type(payload, dict) _params = { } _params.update(query_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } if is_xml_payload: _payload = payload else: _payload = { 'certType': cert_type, } _payload.update(payload or {}) _payload = dict_from_items_with_values(_payload) if active_validation and not is_xml_payload: self._request_validator('jsd_c288192f954309b4b35aa612ff226_v3_1_patch_1')\ .validate(_payload) e_url = ('/api/v1/certs/renew-certificate') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) request_params = {'data': _payload} if is_xml_payload else {'json': _payload} if with_custom_headers: _api_response =, params=_params, headers=_headers, **request_params) else: _api_response =, params=_params, **request_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_c288192f954309b4b35aa612ff226_v3_1_patch_1', _api_response)
[docs] def bind_csr(self, admin=None, allow_extended_validity=None, allow_out_of_date_cert=None, allow_replacement_of_certificates=None, allow_replacement_of_portal_group_tag=None, data=None, eap=None, host_name=None, id=None, ims=None, name=None, portal=None, portal_group_tag=None, pxgrid=None, radius=None, saml=None, validate_certificate_extensions=None, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **query_parameters): """ Bind CA Signed Certificate. NOTE: This API requires an existing Certificate Signing Request, and the root certificate must already be trusted. NOTE: The certificate may have a validity period longer than 398 days. It may be untrusted by many browsers. NOTE: Request parameters accepting True and False as input can be replaced by 1 and 0 respectively. Following parameters are used in POST body PARAMETER DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE name Friendly name of the certificate. "name": "CA Signed Certificate" data * required Plain-text contents of the certificate file. Every space needs to be replaced with newline escape sequence (\n) (required). Use awk 'NF {sub(/\r/, ""); printf "%s\\n",$0;}' <<your .pem file>> to extract data from certificate file. "data": "Plain-text contents of the certificate file." allowExtendedValidity * required Allow the certificates greater than validity of 398 days (required). "allowExtendedValidity": true allowOutOfDateCert * required Allow out of date certificates (required). SECURITY ALERT: It is recommended to use "allowOutOfDateCert": false to avoid binding of expired certificates (not Secure). "allowOutOfDateCert": true allowReplacementOfCertificates * required Allow Replacement of certificates (required). "allowReplacementOfCertificates": true allowReplacementOfPortalGroupTag * required Allow Replacement of Portal Group Tag (required). "allowReplacementOfPortalGroupTag": true admin Use certificate to authenticate the Cisco ISE Admin Portal "admin": false eap Use certificate for EAP protocols that use SSL/TLS tunneling "eap": false radius Use certificate for RADSec server "radius": false pxgrid Use certificate for the pxGrid Controller "pxgrid": false ims Use certificate for the Cisco ISE Messaging Service "ims": false saml Use certificate for SAML Signing "saml": false portal Use certificate for portal "portal": false portalGroupTag Portal Group Tag for using certificate with portal role "portalGroupTag": "Default Portal Certificate Group" validateCertificateExtensions Validate Certificate Extensions "validateCertificateExtensions": false Following roles can be used in any combinations ROLE DEFAULT WARNING Admin False Enabling Admin role for this certificate causes an application server restart on the selected node. Note: Make sure required Certificate Chain is imported under Trusted Certificates EAP Authentication False Only one system certificate can be used for EAP. Assigning EAP to this certificate removes the assignment from another certificate. Note: Make sure required Certificate Chain is imported under Trusted Certificates RADIUS DTLS False Only one system certificate can be used for DTLS. Assigning DTLS to this certificate removes the assignment from another certificate. Note: Make sure required Certificate Chain is imported under Trusted Certificates SAML False SAML cannot be used with other Usage. Enabling SAML unchecks all other Usage. Note: Make sure required Certificate Chain is imported under Trusted Certificates . Args: admin(boolean): Use certificate to authenticate the Cisco ISE Admin Portal, property of the request body. allow_extended_validity(boolean): Allow import of certificates with validity greater than 398 days (required), property of the request body. allow_out_of_date_cert(boolean): Allow out of date certificates (required), property of the request body. allow_replacement_of_certificates(boolean): Allow Replacement of certificates (required), property of the request body. allow_replacement_of_portal_group_tag(boolean): Allow Replacement of Portal Group Tag (required), property of the request body. data(string): Signed certificate data (required), property of the request body. eap(boolean): Use certificate for EAP protocols that use SSL/TLS tunneling, property of the request body. host_name(string): Name of Host whose CSR ID has been provided (required), property of the request body. id(string): ID of the generated CSR (required), property of the request body. ims(boolean): Use certificate for the Cisco ISE Messaging Service, property of the request body. name(string): Friendly Name of the certificate, property of the request body. portal(boolean): Use for portal, property of the request body. portal_group_tag(string): Set Group tag, property of the request body. pxgrid(boolean): Use certificate for the pxGrid Controller, property of the request body. radius(boolean): Use certificate for the RADSec server, property of the request body. saml(boolean): Use certificate for SAML Signing, property of the request body. validate_certificate_extensions(boolean): Validate Certificate Extensions, property of the request body. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(dict): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: RestResponse: REST response with following properties: - headers(MyDict): response headers. - response(MyDict): response body as a MyDict object. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. - content(bytes): representation of the request's response - text(str): representation of the request's response Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: pass with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True is_xml_payload = 'application/xml' in _headers.get('Content-Type', []) if active_validation and is_xml_payload: check_type(payload, basestring) if active_validation and not is_xml_payload: check_type(payload, dict) _params = { } _params.update(query_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } if is_xml_payload: _payload = payload else: _payload = { 'admin': admin, 'allowExtendedValidity': allow_extended_validity, 'allowOutOfDateCert': allow_out_of_date_cert, 'allowReplacementOfCertificates': allow_replacement_of_certificates, 'allowReplacementOfPortalGroupTag': allow_replacement_of_portal_group_tag, 'data': data, 'eap': eap, 'hostName': host_name, 'id': id, 'ims': ims, 'name': name, 'portal': portal, 'portalGroupTag': portal_group_tag, 'pxgrid': pxgrid, 'radius': radius, 'saml': saml, 'validateCertificateExtensions': validate_certificate_extensions, } _payload.update(payload or {}) _payload = dict_from_items_with_values(_payload) if active_validation and not is_xml_payload: self._request_validator('jsd_b94d7d3f0ed5d0b938151ae2cae9fa4_v3_1_patch_1')\ .validate(_payload) e_url = ('/api/v1/certs/signed-certificate/bind') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) request_params = {'data': _payload} if is_xml_payload else {'json': _payload} if with_custom_headers: _api_response =, params=_params, headers=_headers, **request_params) else: _api_response =, params=_params, **request_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_b94d7d3f0ed5d0b938151ae2cae9fa4_v3_1_patch_1', _api_response)
[docs] def export_system_certificate(self, export=None, id=None, password=None, dirpath=None, save_file=None, filename=None, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **query_parameters): """ Export System Certificate. Following parameters are used in POST body PARAMETER DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE id * required ID of a System Certificate (required). "id": "CERT-ID" export One of the below option is required "CERTIFICATE" : Export only certificate without private key "CERTIFICATE_WITH_PRIVATE_KEY" : Export both certificate and private key ( "certificatePassword" is required). "export": "CERTIFICATE_WITH_PRIVATE_KEY" password * required Certificate password (required if "export" : CERTIFICATE_WITH_PRIVATE_KEY ). Password constraints: Alphanumeric Minimum of 8 Characters Maximum of 100 Characters "password": "certificate password" NOTE: The response of this API carries a ZIP file containing the certificate and private key if "export" : "CERTIFICATE_WITH_PRIVATE_KEY" in the request. If "export" : "CERTIFICATE" in request body, the response carries a ZIP file containing only the certificate. WARNING: Exporting a private key is not a secure operation. It could lead to possible exposure of the private key. . Args: export(string): export, property of the request body. Available values are 'CERTIFICATE' and 'CERTIFICATE_WITH_PRIVATE_KEY'. id(string): id, property of the request body. password(string): password, property of the request body. dirpath(basestring): Directory absolute path. Defaults to os.getcwd(). save_file(bool): Enable or disable automatic file creation of raw response. filename(basestring): The filename used to save the download file. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(dict): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: DownloadResponse: The DownloadResponse wrapper. Wraps the urllib3.response.HTTPResponse. For more information check the `urlib3 documentation <>`_ Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. DownloadFailure: If was not able to download the raw response to a file. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: pass with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True is_xml_payload = 'application/xml' in _headers.get('Content-Type', []) if active_validation and is_xml_payload: check_type(payload, basestring) if active_validation and not is_xml_payload: check_type(payload, dict) _params = { } _params.update(query_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } if is_xml_payload: _payload = payload else: _payload = { 'export': export, 'id': id, 'password': password, } _payload.update(payload or {}) _payload = dict_from_items_with_values(_payload) if active_validation and not is_xml_payload: self._request_validator('jsd_dbe47028859573988880de76fec0936_v3_1_patch_1')\ .validate(_payload) e_url = ('/api/v1/certs/system-certificate/export') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) request_params = {'data': _payload} if is_xml_payload else {'json': _payload} if with_custom_headers: _api_response =, params=_params, headers=_headers, stream=True, dirpath=dirpath, save_file=save_file, filename=filename, **request_params) else: _api_response =, params=_params, stream=True, dirpath=dirpath, save_file=save_file, filename=filename, **request_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_dbe47028859573988880de76fec0936_v3_1_patch_1', _api_response)
[docs] def generate_self_signed_certificate(self, admin=None, allow_extended_validity=None, allow_portal_tag_transfer_for_same_subject=None, allow_replacement_of_certificates=None, allow_replacement_of_portal_group_tag=None, allow_role_transfer_for_same_subject=None, allow_san_dns_bad_name=None, allow_san_dns_non_resolvable=None, allow_wild_card_certificates=None, certificate_policies=None, digest_type=None, eap=None, expiration_ttl=None, expiration_ttl_unit=None, host_name=None, key_length=None, key_type=None, name=None, portal=None, portal_group_tag=None, pxgrid=None, radius=None, saml=None, san_dns=None, san_ip=None, san_uri=None, subject_city=None, subject_common_name=None, subject_country=None, subject_org=None, subject_org_unit=None, subject_state=None, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **query_parameters): """ Generate Self-signed Certificate NOTE: The certificate may have a validity period longer than 398 days. It may be untrusted by many browsers. NOTE: Request parameters accepting True and False as input can be replaced by 1 and 0 respectively. NOTE: Wildcard certificate and SAML certificate can be generated only on PPAN or Standalone Following parameters are used in POST body PARAMETER DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE hostName * required Hostname or FQDN of the node in which certificate needs to be created (required). "hostName": "ise-node-001" name Friendly name of the certificate. "name": "Self-signed System Certificate" subjectCommonName Certificate common name (CN) NOTE: 1. CN is Mandatory if SAN not configured.             2. Subject can contain a multi- valued CN. For multi-valued RDNs, follow the format "CN=value1, CN=value2" "subjectCommonName": "$FQDN$" subjectOrgUnit Certificate organizational unit (OU) NOTE: Subject can contain a multi-valued OU. For multi- valued RDNs, follow the format "OU=value1, OU=value2" "subjectOrgUnit": "Engineering" subjectOrg Certificate organization (O) NOTE: Subject can contain a multi-valued O fields. For multi-valued RDNs, follow the format "O=value1, O=value2" "subjectOrg": "Cisco" subjectCity Certificate city or locality (L) "subjectCity": "San Jose" subjectState Certificate state (ST) "subjectState": "California" subjectCountry Certificate country (C) "subjectCountry": "US" sanDNS Array of SAN (Subject Alternative Name) DNS entries "sanDNS": [""] sanIP Array of SAN IP entries "sanIP": [""] sanURI Array of SAN URI entries "sanURI": [""] keyType * required Algorithm to use for certificate public key creation (required). "keyType": "RSA" keyLength * required Bit size of the public key (required). "keyLength": "4096" digestType * required Digest to sign with (required). "digestType": "SHA-384" certificatePolicies Certificate policy OID or list of OIDs that the certificate should conform to. Use comma or space to separate the OIDs. "certificatePolicies": "Certificate Policies" expirationTTL * required Certificate expiration value (required). NOTE: Expiration TTL should be within Unix time limit "expirationTTL": 2 expirationTTLUnit * required Certificate expiration unit (required). "expirationTTLUnit": "years" admin Use certificate to authenticate the Cisco ISE Admin Portal "admin": false eap Use certificate for EAP protocols that use SSL/TLS tunneling "eap": false radius Use certificate for RADSec server "radius": false pxgrid Use certificate for the pxGrid Controller "pxgrid": false saml Use certificate for SAML Signing "saml": false portal Use certificate for portal "portal": false portalGroupTag Portal Group Tag for using certificate with portal role "portalGroupTag": "Default Portal Certificate Group" allowReplacementOfPortalGroupTag * required Allow Replacement of Portal Group Tag (required). "allowReplacementOfPortalGroupTag": true allowWildCardCertificates Allow use of WildCards in certificates "allowWildCardCertificates": false allowReplacementOfCertificates * required Allow replacement of certificates (required). "allowReplacementOfCertificates": true allowExtendedValidity * required Allow generation of self-signed certificate with validity greater than 398 days (required). "allowExtendedValidity": true allowRoleTransferForSameSubject * required Allow the transfer of roles to certificates with same subject (required). If the matching certificate on Cisco ISE has either admin or portal role and if request has admin or portal role selected along with allowRoleTransferForSameSubject parameter as true, self- signed certificate would be generated with both admin and portal role enabled "allowRoleTransferForSameSubject": true allowPortalTagTransferForSameSubject * required Acquire the group tag of the matching certificate (required). If the request portal groug tag is different from the group tag of matching certificate (If matching certificate in Cisco ISE has portal role enabled), self- signed certificate would be generated by acquiring the group tag of matching certificate if allowPortalTagTransferForSameSubject parameter is true "allowPortalTagTransferForSameSubject": true allowSanDnsBadName * required Allow generation of self-signed certificate with bad Common Name & SAN Values [like "","invalid.","test.","localhost" ,etc.] (required). SECURITY ALERT: It is recommended to use "allowSanDnsBadName": false to avoid generation of certificates with bad Common Name & SAN Values which are not secure "allowSanDnsBadName": true allowSanDnsNonResolvable * required Allow generation of self-signed certificate with non resolvable Common Name or SAN Values (required). "allowSanDnsNonResolvable": true ROLE DEFAULT WARNING Admin False Enabling Admin role for this certificate causes an application server restart on the selected node. EAP Authentication False Only one system certificate can be used for EAP. Assigning EAP to this certificate removes the assignment from another certificate. RADIUS DTLS False Only one system certificate can be used for DTLS. Assigning DTLS to this certificate removes the assignment from another certificate. SAML False SAML cannot be used with other Usage. . Args: admin(boolean): Use certificate to authenticate the Cisco ISE Admin Portal, property of the request body. allow_extended_validity(boolean): Allow generation of self-signed certificate with validity greater than 398 days, property of the request body. allow_portal_tag_transfer_for_same_subject(boolean): Allow overwriting the portal tag from matching certificate of same subject, property of the request body. allow_replacement_of_certificates(boolean): Allow Replacement of certificates, property of the request body. allow_replacement_of_portal_group_tag(boolean): Allow Replacement of Portal Group Tag, property of the request body. allow_role_transfer_for_same_subject(boolean): Allow transfer of roles for certificate with matching subject, property of the request body. allow_san_dns_bad_name(boolean): Allow usage of SAN DNS Bad name, property of the request body. allow_san_dns_non_resolvable(boolean): Allow use of non resolvable Common Name or SAN Values, property of the request body. allow_wild_card_certificates(boolean): Allow Wildcard Certificates, property of the request body. certificate_policies(string): Certificate Policies, property of the request body. digest_type(string): Digest to sign with, property of the request body. Available values are 'SHA-256', 'SHA-384' and 'SHA-512'. eap(boolean): Use certificate for EAP protocols that use SSL/TLS tunneling, property of the request body. expiration_ttl(integer): Certificate expiration value, property of the request body. expiration_ttl_unit(string): Certificate expiration unit, property of the request body. Available values are 'days', 'months', 'weeks' and 'years'. host_name(string): Hostname of the Cisco ISE node in which self-signed certificate should be generated., property of the request body. key_length(string): Bit size of public key, property of the request body. Available values are '1024', '2048', '4096' and '512'. key_type(string): Algorithm to use for certificate public key creation, property of the request body. Available values are 'ECDSA' and 'RSA'. name(string): Friendly name of the certificate., property of the request body. portal(boolean): Use for portal, property of the request body. portal_group_tag(string): Set Group tag, property of the request body. pxgrid(boolean): Use certificate for the pxGrid Controller, property of the request body. radius(boolean): Use certificate for the RADSec server, property of the request body. saml(boolean): Use certificate for SAML Signing, property of the request body. san_dns(list): Array of SAN (Subject Alternative Name) DNS entries, property of the request body (list of strings). san_ip(list): Array of SAN IP entries, property of the request body (list of strings). san_uri(list): Array of SAN URI entries, property of the request body (list of strings). subject_city(string): Certificate city or locality (L), property of the request body. subject_common_name(string): Certificate common name (CN), property of the request body. subject_country(string): Certificate country (C), property of the request body. subject_org(string): Certificate organization (O), property of the request body. subject_org_unit(string): Certificate organizational unit (OU), property of the request body. subject_state(string): Certificate state (ST), property of the request body. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(dict): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: RestResponse: REST response with following properties: - headers(MyDict): response headers. - response(MyDict): response body as a MyDict object. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. - content(bytes): representation of the request's response - text(str): representation of the request's response Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: pass with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True is_xml_payload = 'application/xml' in _headers.get('Content-Type', []) if active_validation and is_xml_payload: check_type(payload, basestring) if active_validation and not is_xml_payload: check_type(payload, dict) _params = { } _params.update(query_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } if is_xml_payload: _payload = payload else: _payload = { 'admin': admin, 'allowExtendedValidity': allow_extended_validity, 'allowPortalTagTransferForSameSubject': allow_portal_tag_transfer_for_same_subject, 'allowReplacementOfCertificates': allow_replacement_of_certificates, 'allowReplacementOfPortalGroupTag': allow_replacement_of_portal_group_tag, 'allowRoleTransferForSameSubject': allow_role_transfer_for_same_subject, 'allowSanDnsBadName': allow_san_dns_bad_name, 'allowSanDnsNonResolvable': allow_san_dns_non_resolvable, 'allowWildCardCertificates': allow_wild_card_certificates, 'certificatePolicies': certificate_policies, 'digestType': digest_type, 'eap': eap, 'expirationTTL': expiration_ttl, 'expirationTTLUnit': expiration_ttl_unit, 'hostName': host_name, 'keyLength': key_length, 'keyType': key_type, 'name': name, 'portal': portal, 'portalGroupTag': portal_group_tag, 'pxgrid': pxgrid, 'radius': radius, 'saml': saml, 'sanDNS': san_dns, 'sanIP': san_ip, 'sanURI': san_uri, 'subjectCity': subject_city, 'subjectCommonName': subject_common_name, 'subjectCountry': subject_country, 'subjectOrg': subject_org, 'subjectOrgUnit': subject_org_unit, 'subjectState': subject_state, } _payload.update(payload or {}) _payload = dict_from_items_with_values(_payload) if active_validation and not is_xml_payload: self._request_validator('jsd_fdc480ada5105f60af5fbe922e5690e7_v3_1_patch_1')\ .validate(_payload) e_url = ('/api/v1/certs/system-certificate/generate-selfsigned-' + 'certificate') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) request_params = {'data': _payload} if is_xml_payload else {'json': _payload} if with_custom_headers: _api_response =, params=_params, headers=_headers, **request_params) else: _api_response =, params=_params, **request_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_fdc480ada5105f60af5fbe922e5690e7_v3_1_patch_1', _api_response)
[docs] def import_system_certificate(self, admin=None, allow_extended_validity=None, allow_out_of_date_cert=None, allow_portal_tag_transfer_for_same_subject=None, allow_replacement_of_certificates=None, allow_replacement_of_portal_group_tag=None, allow_role_transfer_for_same_subject=None, allow_sha1_certificates=None, allow_wild_card_certificates=None, data=None, eap=None, ims=None, name=None, password=None, portal=None, portal_group_tag=None, private_key_data=None, pxgrid=None, radius=None, saml=None, validate_certificate_extensions=None, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **query_parameters): """ Import an X509 certificate as a system certificate. NOTE: The certificate may have a validity period longer than 398 days. It may be untrusted by many browsers. NOTE: Request parameters accepting True and False as input can be replaced by 1 and 0 respectively. Following parameters are used in POST body PARAMETER DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE name Friendly name of the certificate. "name": "System certificate" password * required Password of the certificate to be imported (required). "password": "certificate password" data * required Plain-text contents of the certificate file. Every space needs to be replaced with newline escape sequence (\n) (required). Use awk 'NF {sub(/\r/, ""); printf "%s\\n",$0;}' <<your .pem file>> to extract data from certificate file. "data": "Plain-text contents of the certificate file." privateKeyData * required Plain-text contents of the private key file. Every space needs to be replaced with newline escape sequence (\n) (required). Use awk 'NF {sub(/\r/, ""); printf "%s\\n",$0;}' <<your .pem file>> to extract privateKeyData from private key file. "data": "Plain-text contents of the private key file." allowOutOfDateCert * required Allow out of date certificates (required). SECURITY ALERT: It is recommended to use "allowOutOfDateCert": false to avoid import of expired certificates (not Secure). "allowOutOfDateCert": true allowSHA1certificates * required Allow import of certificate with signature that uses the SHA-1 hashing algorithm and is considered less secure (required). SECURITY ALERT: It is recommended to use "allowSHA1certificates": false to avoid import of SHA1 based certificates (less secure). "allowSHA1certificates": true allowExtendedValidity * required Allow the certificates greater than validity of 398 days (required). "allowExtendedValidity": true allowRoleTransferForSameSubject Allow the transfer of roles to certificates with same subject "allowRoleTransferForSameSubject": true allowPortalTagTransferForSameSubject Acquire the group tag of the matching certificate "allowPortalTagTransferForSameSubject": true admin Use certificate to authenticate the Cisco ISE Admin Portal "admin": false eap Use certificate for EAP protocols that use SSL/TLS tunneling "eap": false radius Use certificate for RADSec server "radius": false pxgrid Use certificate for the pxGrid Controller "pxgrid": false ims Use certificate for the Cisco ISE Messaging Service "ims": false saml Use certificate for SAML Signing "saml": false portal Use certificate for portal "portal": false portalGroupTag Portal Group Tag for using certificate with portal role "portalGroupTag": "Default Portal certificate Group" allowReplacementOfPortalGroupTag * required Allow Replacement of Portal Group Tag (required). "allowReplacementOfPortalGroupTag": true allowWildCardcertificates Allow use of WildCards in certificates "allowWildCardcertificates": false validatecertificateExtensions Validate certificate extensions "validatecertificateExtensions": false Following roles can be used in any combinations ROLE DEFAULT WARNING Admin False Enabling Admin role for this certificate causes an application server restart on the selected node. Note: Make sure required Certificate Chain is imported under Trusted Certificates EAP Authentication False Only one system certificate can be used for EAP. Assigning EAP to this certificate removes the assignment from another certificate. Note: Make sure required Certificate Chain is imported under Trusted Certificates RADIUS DTLS False Only one system certificate can be used for DTLS. Assigning DTLS to this certificate removes the assignment from another certificate. Note: Make sure required Certificate Chain is imported under Trusted Certificates SAML False SAML cannot be used with other Usage. Enabling SAML unchecks all other Usage. Note: Make sure required Certificate Chain is imported under Trusted Certificates . Args: admin(boolean): Use certificate to authenticate the Cisco ISE Admin Portal, property of the request body. allow_extended_validity(boolean): Allow import of certificates with validity greater than 398 days (required), property of the request body. allow_out_of_date_cert(boolean): Allow out of date certificates (required), property of the request body. allow_portal_tag_transfer_for_same_subject(boolean): Allow overwriting the portal tag from matching certificate of same subject, property of the request body. allow_replacement_of_certificates(boolean): Allow Replacement of certificates (required), property of the request body. allow_replacement_of_portal_group_tag(boolean): Allow Replacement of Portal Group Tag (required), property of the request body. allow_role_transfer_for_same_subject(boolean): Allow transfer of roles for certificate with matching subject , property of the request body. allow_sha1_certificates(boolean): Allow SHA1 based certificates (required), property of the request body. allow_wild_card_certificates(boolean): Allow Wildcard certificates, property of the request body. data(string): Certificate Content (required), property of the request body. eap(boolean): Use certificate for EAP protocols that use SSL/TLS tunneling, property of the request body. ims(boolean): Use certificate for the Cisco ISE Messaging Service, property of the request body. name(string): Name of the certificate, property of the request body. password(string): Certificate Password (required)., property of the request body. portal(boolean): Use for portal, property of the request body. portal_group_tag(string): Set Group tag, property of the request body. private_key_data(string): Private Key data (required), property of the request body. pxgrid(boolean): Use certificate for the pxGrid Controller, property of the request body. radius(boolean): Use certificate for the RADSec server, property of the request body. saml(boolean): Use certificate for SAML Signing, property of the request body. validate_certificate_extensions(boolean): Validate certificate extensions, property of the request body. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(dict): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: RestResponse: REST response with following properties: - headers(MyDict): response headers. - response(MyDict): response body as a MyDict object. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. - content(bytes): representation of the request's response - text(str): representation of the request's response Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: pass with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True is_xml_payload = 'application/xml' in _headers.get('Content-Type', []) if active_validation and is_xml_payload: check_type(payload, basestring) if active_validation and not is_xml_payload: check_type(payload, dict) _params = { } _params.update(query_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } if is_xml_payload: _payload = payload else: _payload = { 'admin': admin, 'allowExtendedValidity': allow_extended_validity, 'allowOutOfDateCert': allow_out_of_date_cert, 'allowPortalTagTransferForSameSubject': allow_portal_tag_transfer_for_same_subject, 'allowReplacementOfCertificates': allow_replacement_of_certificates, 'allowReplacementOfPortalGroupTag': allow_replacement_of_portal_group_tag, 'allowRoleTransferForSameSubject': allow_role_transfer_for_same_subject, 'allowSHA1Certificates': allow_sha1_certificates, 'allowWildCardCertificates': allow_wild_card_certificates, 'data': data, 'eap': eap, 'ims': ims, 'name': name, 'password': password, 'portal': portal, 'portalGroupTag': portal_group_tag, 'privateKeyData': private_key_data, 'pxgrid': pxgrid, 'radius': radius, 'saml': saml, 'validateCertificateExtensions': validate_certificate_extensions, } _payload.update(payload or {}) _payload = dict_from_items_with_values(_payload) if active_validation and not is_xml_payload: self._request_validator('jsd_e6c7251a8508597f1b7ae61cbf953_v3_1_patch_1')\ .validate(_payload) e_url = ('/api/v1/certs/system-certificate/import') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) request_params = {'data': _payload} if is_xml_payload else {'json': _payload} if with_custom_headers: _api_response =, params=_params, headers=_headers, **request_params) else: _api_response =, params=_params, **request_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_e6c7251a8508597f1b7ae61cbf953_v3_1_patch_1', _api_response)
[docs] def get_system_certificates(self, host_name, filter=None, filter_type=None, page=None, size=None, sort=None, sort_by=None, headers=None, **query_parameters): """ This API supports Filtering, Sorting and Pagination. Filtering and Sorting supported on below mentioned attributes: friendlyName issuedTo issuedBy validFrom Supported Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Supported Operators: EQ, NEQ, GT and LT expirationDate Supported Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Supported Operators: EQ, NEQ, GT and LT . Args: host_name(basestring): hostName path parameter. Name of the host of which system certificates should be returned. page(int): page query parameter. Page number. size(int): size query parameter. Number of objects returned per page. sort(basestring): sort query parameter. sort type asc or desc. sort_by(basestring): sortBy query parameter. sort column by which objects needs to be sorted. filter(basestring, list, set, tuple): filter query parameter. Simple filtering should be available through the filter query string parameter. The structure of a filter is a triplet of field operator and value separated with dots. More than one filter can be sent. The logical operator common to ALL filter criteria will be by default AND, and can be changed by using the "filterType=or" query string parameter. Each resource Data model description should specify if an attribute is a filtered field. OPERATOR DESCRIPTION EQ Equals NEQ Not Equals GT Greater Than LT Less Then STARTSW Starts With NSTARTSW Not Starts With ENDSW Ends With NENDSW Not Ends With CONTAINS Contains NCONTAINS Not Contains . filter_type(basestring): filterType query parameter. The logical operator common to ALL filter criteria will be by default AND, and can be changed by using the parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: RestResponse: REST response with following properties: - headers(MyDict): response headers. - response(MyDict): response body as a MyDict object. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. - content(bytes): representation of the request's response - text(str): representation of the request's response Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: pass with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True check_type(page, (int, basestring, list)) check_type(size, (int, basestring, list)) check_type(sort, basestring) check_type(sort_by, basestring) check_type(filter, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(filter_type, basestring) check_type(host_name, basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'page': page, 'size': size, 'sort': sort, 'sortBy': sort_by, 'filter': filter, 'filterType': filter_type, } _params.update(query_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'hostName': host_name, } e_url = ('/api/v1/certs/system-certificate/{hostName}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: _api_response = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: _api_response = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_a56f5c5f739a83e8806da16be5_v3_1_patch_1', _api_response)
[docs] def get_system_certificates_generator(self, host_name, filter=None, filter_type=None, page=None, size=None, sort=None, sort_by=None, headers=None, **query_parameters): """ This API supports Filtering, Sorting and Pagination. Filtering and Sorting supported on below mentioned attributes: friendlyName issuedTo issuedBy validFrom Supported Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Supported Operators: EQ, NEQ, GT and LT expirationDate Supported Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Supported Operators: EQ, NEQ, GT and LT . Args: host_name(basestring): hostName path parameter. Name of the host of which system certificates should be returned. page(int): page query parameter. Page number. size(int): size query parameter. Number of objects returned per page. sort(basestring): sort query parameter. sort type asc or desc. sort_by(basestring): sortBy query parameter. sort column by which objects needs to be sorted. filter(basestring, list, set, tuple): filter query parameter. Simple filtering should be available through the filter query string parameter. The structure of a filter is a triplet of field operator and value separated with dots. More than one filter can be sent. The logical operator common to ALL filter criteria will be by default AND, and can be changed by using the "filterType=or" query string parameter. Each resource Data model description should specify if an attribute is a filtered field. OPERATOR DESCRIPTION EQ Equals NEQ Not Equals GT Greater Than LT Less Then STARTSW Starts With NSTARTSW Not Starts With ENDSW Ends With NENDSW Not Ends With CONTAINS Contains NCONTAINS Not Contains . filter_type(basestring): filterType query parameter. The logical operator common to ALL filter criteria will be by default AND, and can be changed by using the parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: Generator: A generator object containing the following object. + RestResponse: REST response with following properties: - headers(MyDict): response headers. - response(MyDict): response body as a MyDict object. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. - content(bytes): representation of the request's response - text(str): representation of the request's response Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. """ yield from get_next_page( self.get_system_certificates, dict( host_name=host_name, filter=filter, filter_type=filter_type, page=page, size=size, sort=sort, sort_by=sort_by, headers=headers, **query_parameters ), access_next_list=["nextPage", "href"], access_resource_list=["response"])
[docs] def get_system_certificate_by_id(self, host_name, id, headers=None, **query_parameters): """This API provides details of a System Certificate of a particular node based on given HostName and ID. Args: host_name(basestring): hostName path parameter. Name of the host of which system certificates should be returned. id(basestring): id path parameter. ID of the system certificate. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: RestResponse: REST response with following properties: - headers(MyDict): response headers. - response(MyDict): response body as a MyDict object. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. - content(bytes): representation of the request's response - text(str): representation of the request's response Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: pass with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True check_type(host_name, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(id, basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(query_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'hostName': host_name, 'id': id, } e_url = ('/api/v1/certs/system-certificate/{hostName}/{id}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: _api_response = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: _api_response = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_f36e90115b05416a71506061fed7e5c_v3_1_patch_1', _api_response)
[docs] def update_system_certificate(self, host_name, id, admin=None, allow_portal_tag_transfer_for_same_subject=None, allow_replacement_of_portal_group_tag=None, allow_role_transfer_for_same_subject=None, description=None, eap=None, expiration_ttl_period=None, expiration_ttl_units=None, ims=None, name=None, portal=None, portal_group_tag=None, pxgrid=None, radius=None, renew_self_signed_certificate=None, saml=None, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **query_parameters): """ Update a System Certificate. NOTE: Renewing a certificate causes an application server restart on the selected node. NOTE: Request parameters accepting True and False as input can be replaced by 1 and 0 respectively. Following parameters are used in POST body PARAMETER DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE name Friendly name of the certificate. "name": "System Certificate" description Description of the certificate "description": "Description of certificate" admin Use certificate to authenticate the Cisco ISE Admin Portal "admin": false eap Use certificate for EAP protocols that use SSL/TLS tunneling "eap": false radius Use certificate for RADSec server "radius": false pxgrid Use certificate for the pxGrid Controller "pxgrid": false ims Use certificate for the Cisco ISE Messaging Service "ims": false saml Use certificate for SAML Signing "saml": false portal Use certificate for portal "portal": false portalGroupTag Portal Group Tag for using certificate with portal role "portalGroupTag": "Default Portal Certificate Group" allowReplacementOfPortalGroupTag * required Allow Replacement of Portal Group Tag (required). "allowReplacementOfPortalGroupTag": true allowRoleTransferForSameSubjec * required t Allow transfer of roles to certificates with same subject (required). "allowRoleTransferForSameSubject": true allowPortalTagTransferForSameSubject * required Acquire group tag of the matching certificate (required). "allowPortalTagTransferForSameSubject": true renewSelfSignedCertificate Renew Self- signed Certificate "renewSelfSignedCertificate": false expirationTTLPeriod Expiration Period "expirationTTLPeriod": 365 expirationTTLUnits Expiration Units in one of the below formats days / weeks / months / years "expirationTTLUnits": "days" Following roles can be used in any combinations ROLE DEFAULT WARNING Admin False Enabling Admin role for this certificate causes an application server restart on the selected node. Note: Make sure required Certificate Chain is imported under Trusted Certificates EAP Authentication False Only one system certificate can be used for EAP. Assigning EAP to this certificate removes the assignment from another certificate. Note: Make sure required Certificate Chain is imported under Trusted Certificates RADIUS DTLS False Only one system certificate can be used for DTLS. Assigning DTLS to this certificate removes the assignment from another certificate. Note: Make sure required Certificate Chain is imported under Trusted Certificates SAML False SAML cannot be used with other Usage. Enabling SAML unchecks all other Usage. Note: Make sure required Certificate Chain is imported under Trusted Certificates . Args: admin(boolean): Use certificate to authenticate the Cisco ISE Admin Portal, property of the request body. allow_portal_tag_transfer_for_same_subject(boolean): Allow overwriting the portal tag from matching certificate of same subject, property of the request body. allow_replacement_of_portal_group_tag(boolean): Allow Replacement of Portal Group Tag (required), property of the request body. allow_role_transfer_for_same_subject(boolean): Allow transfer of roles for certificate with matching subject , property of the request body. description(string): Description of System Certificate, property of the request body. eap(boolean): Use certificate for EAP protocols that use SSL/TLS tunneling, property of the request body. expiration_ttl_period(integer): expirationTTLPeriod, property of the request body. expiration_ttl_units(string): expirationTTLUnits, property of the request body. Available values are 'days', 'months', 'weeks' and 'years'. ims(boolean): Use certificate for the Cisco ISE Messaging Service, property of the request body. name(string): Name of the certificate, property of the request body. portal(boolean): Use for portal, property of the request body. portal_group_tag(string): Set Group tag, property of the request body. pxgrid(boolean): Use certificate for the pxGrid Controller, property of the request body. radius(boolean): Use certificate for the RADSec server, property of the request body. renew_self_signed_certificate(boolean): Renew Self- signed Certificate, property of the request body. saml(boolean): Use certificate for SAML Signing, property of the request body. id(basestring): id path parameter. ID of the System Certificate to be updated. host_name(basestring): hostName path parameter. Name of Host whose certificate needs to be updated. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(dict): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: RestResponse: REST response with following properties: - headers(MyDict): response headers. - response(MyDict): response body as a MyDict object. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. - content(bytes): representation of the request's response - text(str): representation of the request's response Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: pass with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True is_xml_payload = 'application/xml' in _headers.get('Content-Type', []) if active_validation and is_xml_payload: check_type(payload, basestring) if active_validation and not is_xml_payload: check_type(payload, dict) check_type(id, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(host_name, basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(query_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'id': id, 'hostName': host_name, } if is_xml_payload: _payload = payload else: _payload = { 'admin': admin, 'allowPortalTagTransferForSameSubject': allow_portal_tag_transfer_for_same_subject, 'allowReplacementOfPortalGroupTag': allow_replacement_of_portal_group_tag, 'allowRoleTransferForSameSubject': allow_role_transfer_for_same_subject, 'description': description, 'eap': eap, 'expirationTTLPeriod': expiration_ttl_period, 'expirationTTLUnits': expiration_ttl_units, 'ims': ims, 'name': name, 'portal': portal, 'portalGroupTag': portal_group_tag, 'pxgrid': pxgrid, 'radius': radius, 'renewSelfSignedCertificate': renew_self_signed_certificate, 'saml': saml, } _payload.update(payload or {}) _payload = dict_from_items_with_values(_payload) if active_validation and not is_xml_payload: self._request_validator('jsd_fb9c22ad9a5eddb590c85abdab460b_v3_1_patch_1')\ .validate(_payload) e_url = ('/api/v1/certs/system-certificate/{hostName}/{id}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) request_params = {'data': _payload} if is_xml_payload else {'json': _payload} if with_custom_headers: _api_response = self._session.put(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers, **request_params) else: _api_response = self._session.put(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, **request_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_fb9c22ad9a5eddb590c85abdab460b_v3_1_patch_1', _api_response)
[docs] def delete_system_certificate_by_id(self, host_name, id, headers=None, **query_parameters): """This API deletes a System Certificate of a particular node based on given HostName and ID. Args: host_name(basestring): hostName path parameter. Name of the host from which System Certificate needs to be deleted. id(basestring): id path parameter. ID of the System Certificate to be deleted. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: RestResponse: REST response with following properties: - headers(MyDict): response headers. - response(MyDict): response body as a MyDict object. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. - content(bytes): representation of the request's response - text(str): representation of the request's response Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: pass with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True check_type(host_name, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(id, basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(query_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'hostName': host_name, 'id': id, } e_url = ('/api/v1/certs/system-certificate/{hostName}/{id}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: _api_response = self._session.delete(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: _api_response = self._session.delete(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_dc2eec65ad680a3c5de47cd87c8_v3_1_patch_1', _api_response)
[docs] def get_trusted_certificates(self, filter=None, filter_type=None, page=None, size=None, sort=None, sort_by=None, headers=None, **query_parameters): """ This API supports Filtering, Sorting and Pagination. Filtering and Sorting supported on below mentioned attributes: friendlyName subject issuedTo issuedBy validFrom Supported Date Format: yyyy-MM- dd HH:mm:ss Supported Operators: EQ, NEQ, GT and LT expirationDate Supported Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Supported Operators: EQ, NEQ, GT and LT status Allowed values: enabled, disabled Supported Operators: EQ, NEQ . Args: page(int): page query parameter. Page number. size(int): size query parameter. Number of objects returned per page. sort(basestring): sort query parameter. sort type asc or desc. sort_by(basestring): sortBy query parameter. sort column by which objects needs to be sorted. filter(basestring, list, set, tuple): filter query parameter. Simple filtering should be available through the filter query string parameter. The structure of a filter is a triplet of field operator and value separated with dots. More than one filter can be sent. The logical operator common to ALL filter criteria will be by default AND, and can be changed by using the "filterType=or" query string parameter. Each resource Data model description should specify if an attribute is a filtered field. OPERATOR DESCRIPTION EQ Equals NEQ Not Equals GT Greater Than LT Less Then STARTSW Starts With NSTARTSW Not Starts With ENDSW Ends With NENDSW Not Ends With CONTAINS Contains NCONTAINS Not Contains . filter_type(basestring): filterType query parameter. The logical operator common to ALL filter criteria will be by default AND, and can be changed by using the parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: RestResponse: REST response with following properties: - headers(MyDict): response headers. - response(MyDict): response body as a MyDict object. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. - content(bytes): representation of the request's response - text(str): representation of the request's response Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: pass with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True check_type(page, (int, basestring, list)) check_type(size, (int, basestring, list)) check_type(sort, basestring) check_type(sort_by, basestring) check_type(filter, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(filter_type, basestring) _params = { 'page': page, 'size': size, 'sort': sort, 'sortBy': sort_by, 'filter': filter, 'filterType': filter_type, } _params.update(query_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } e_url = ('/api/v1/certs/trusted-certificate') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: _api_response = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: _api_response = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_c654a18faf1b5571ac5ba61145d298c4_v3_1_patch_1', _api_response)
[docs] def get_trusted_certificates_generator(self, filter=None, filter_type=None, page=None, size=None, sort=None, sort_by=None, headers=None, **query_parameters): """ This API supports Filtering, Sorting and Pagination. Filtering and Sorting supported on below mentioned attributes: friendlyName subject issuedTo issuedBy validFrom Supported Date Format: yyyy-MM- dd HH:mm:ss Supported Operators: EQ, NEQ, GT and LT expirationDate Supported Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Supported Operators: EQ, NEQ, GT and LT status Allowed values: enabled, disabled Supported Operators: EQ, NEQ . Args: page(int): page query parameter. Page number. size(int): size query parameter. Number of objects returned per page. sort(basestring): sort query parameter. sort type asc or desc. sort_by(basestring): sortBy query parameter. sort column by which objects needs to be sorted. filter(basestring, list, set, tuple): filter query parameter. Simple filtering should be available through the filter query string parameter. The structure of a filter is a triplet of field operator and value separated with dots. More than one filter can be sent. The logical operator common to ALL filter criteria will be by default AND, and can be changed by using the "filterType=or" query string parameter. Each resource Data model description should specify if an attribute is a filtered field. OPERATOR DESCRIPTION EQ Equals NEQ Not Equals GT Greater Than LT Less Then STARTSW Starts With NSTARTSW Not Starts With ENDSW Ends With NENDSW Not Ends With CONTAINS Contains NCONTAINS Not Contains . filter_type(basestring): filterType query parameter. The logical operator common to ALL filter criteria will be by default AND, and can be changed by using the parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: Generator: A generator object containing the following object. + RestResponse: REST response with following properties: - headers(MyDict): response headers. - response(MyDict): response body as a MyDict object. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. - content(bytes): representation of the request's response - text(str): representation of the request's response Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. """ yield from get_next_page( self.get_trusted_certificates, dict( filter=filter, filter_type=filter_type, page=page, size=size, sort=sort, sort_by=sort_by, headers=headers, **query_parameters ), access_next_list=["nextPage", "href"], access_resource_list=["response"])
[docs] def export_trusted_certificate(self, id, dirpath=None, save_file=None, filename=None, headers=None, **query_parameters): """The response of this API carries a trusted certificate file mapped to the requested ID. Args: id(basestring): id path parameter. ID of the Trusted Certificate to be exported. dirpath(basestring): Directory absolute path. Defaults to os.getcwd(). save_file(bool): Enable or disable automatic file creation of raw response. filename(basestring): The filename used to save the download file. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: DownloadResponse: The DownloadResponse wrapper. Wraps the urllib3.response.HTTPResponse. For more information check the `urlib3 documentation <>`_ Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. DownloadFailure: If was not able to download the raw response to a file. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: pass with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True check_type(id, basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(query_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'id': id, } e_url = ('/api/v1/certs/trusted-certificate/export/{id}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: _api_response = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers, stream=True, dirpath=dirpath, save_file=save_file, filename=filename) else: _api_response = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, stream=True, dirpath=dirpath, save_file=save_file, filename=filename) return self._object_factory('bpm_b62a711ce705542b5d1d92b7d3ca431_v3_1_patch_1', _api_response)
[docs] def import_trust_certificate(self, allow_basic_constraint_cafalse=None, allow_out_of_date_cert=None, allow_sha1_certificates=None, data=None, description=None, name=None, trust_for_certificate_based_admin_auth=None, trust_for_cisco_services_auth=None, trust_for_client_auth=None, trust_for_ise_auth=None, validate_certificate_extensions=None, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **query_parameters): """ Import an X509 certificate as a trust certificate. NOTE: Request parameters accepting True and False as input can be replaced by 1 and 0 respectively. Following parameters are used in POST body PARAMETER DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE name Friendly name of the certificate "name": "Trust Certificate" description Description of the certificate "description": "Imported Trust Certificate" data * required Plain-text contents of the certificate file. Every space needs to be replaced with newline escape sequence (\n) (required). Use awk 'NF {sub(/\r/, ""); printf "%s\\n",$0;}' <<your .pem file>> to extract data from certificate file. "data": "Plain-text contents of the certificate file." allowOutOfDateCert * required Allow out of date certificates (required). SECURITY ALERT: It is recommended to use "allowOutOfDateCert": false to avoid import of expired certificates (not Secure). "allowOutOfDateCert": true allowSHA1Certificates * required Allow import of certificate with signature that uses SHA-1 hashing algorithm and is considered less secure (required). SECURITY ALERT: It is recommended to use "allowSHA1Certificates": false to avoid import of SHA1 based certificates (less secure). "allowSHA1Certificates": true allowBasicConstraintCAFalse * required Allow certificates with Basic Constraints CA Field as False (required). SECURITY ALERT: It is recommended to use "allowBasicConstraintCAFalse": false to avoid import of certificates with Basic Constraints CA Field as False (not Secure). "allowBasicConstraintCAFalse": true trustForIseAuth Trust for authentication within Cisco ISE "trustForIseAuth": false trustForClientAuth Trust for client authentication and Syslog "trustForClientAuth": false trustForCertificateBasedAdminAuth Trust for certificate based Admin authentication "trustForCertificateBasedAdminAuth": false trustForCiscoServicesAuth Trust for authentication of Cisco Services "trustForCiscoServicesAuth": false validateCertificateExtensions Validate extensions for trust certificate "validateCertificateExtensions": false NOTE: If name is not set, a default name with the following format is used: common- name#issuer#nnnnn where "nnnnn" is a unique number. You can always change the friendly name later by editing the certificate. You must choose how this certificate is trusted in Cisco ISE. The objective here is to distinguish between certificates that are used for trust within an Cisco ISE deployment and public certificates that are used to trust Cisco services. Typically, you do not want to use a given certificate for both purposes. Trusted For Usage Authentication within Cisco ISE Use "trustForIseAuth":true if the certificate is used for trust within Cisco ISE, such as for secure communication between Cisco ISE nodes Client authentication and Syslog Use "trustForClientAuth":true if the certificate is to be used for authentication of endpoints that contact Cisco ISE over the EAP protocol. Also check this box if certificate is used to trust a Syslog server. Make sure to have keyCertSign bit asserted under KeyUsage extension for this certificate. Note: "" can be set true only if the "trustForIseAuth" has been set true. Certificate based admin authentication Use "trustForCertificateBasedAdminAuth":true if the certificate is used for trust within Cisco ISE, such as for secure communication between Cisco ISE nodes Note: "trustForCertificateBasedAdminAuth" can be set true only if "trustForIseAuth" and "trustForClientAuth" are true. Authentication of Cisco Services Use "trustForCiscoServicesAuth":true if the certificate is to be used for trusting external Cisco services, such as Feed Service. . Args: allow_basic_constraint_cafalse(boolean): Allow certificates with Basic Constraints CA Field as False (required), property of the request body. allow_out_of_date_cert(boolean): Allow out of date certificates (required), property of the request body. allow_sha1_certificates(boolean): Allow SHA1 based certificates (required), property of the request body. data(string): Certificate content (required), property of the request body. description(string): Description of the certificate, property of the request body. name(string): Name of the certificate, property of the request body. trust_for_certificate_based_admin_auth(boolean): Trust for Certificate based Admin authentication, property of the request body. trust_for_cisco_services_auth(boolean): Trust for authentication of Cisco Services, property of the request body. trust_for_client_auth(boolean): Trust for client authentication and Syslog, property of the request body. trust_for_ise_auth(boolean): Trust for authentication within Cisco ISE, property of the request body. validate_certificate_extensions(boolean): Validate trust certificate extension, property of the request body. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(dict): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: RestResponse: REST response with following properties: - headers(MyDict): response headers. - response(MyDict): response body as a MyDict object. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. - content(bytes): representation of the request's response - text(str): representation of the request's response Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: pass with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True is_xml_payload = 'application/xml' in _headers.get('Content-Type', []) if active_validation and is_xml_payload: check_type(payload, basestring) if active_validation and not is_xml_payload: check_type(payload, dict) _params = { } _params.update(query_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } if is_xml_payload: _payload = payload else: _payload = { 'allowBasicConstraintCAFalse': allow_basic_constraint_cafalse, 'allowOutOfDateCert': allow_out_of_date_cert, 'allowSHA1Certificates': allow_sha1_certificates, 'data': data, 'description': description, 'name': name, 'trustForCertificateBasedAdminAuth': trust_for_certificate_based_admin_auth, 'trustForCiscoServicesAuth': trust_for_cisco_services_auth, 'trustForClientAuth': trust_for_client_auth, 'trustForIseAuth': trust_for_ise_auth, 'validateCertificateExtensions': validate_certificate_extensions, } _payload.update(payload or {}) _payload = dict_from_items_with_values(_payload) if active_validation and not is_xml_payload: self._request_validator('jsd_c8cd2f618b655d988ce626e579486596_v3_1_patch_1')\ .validate(_payload) e_url = ('/api/v1/certs/trusted-certificate/import') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) request_params = {'data': _payload} if is_xml_payload else {'json': _payload} if with_custom_headers: _api_response =, params=_params, headers=_headers, **request_params) else: _api_response =, params=_params, **request_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_c8cd2f618b655d988ce626e579486596_v3_1_patch_1', _api_response)
[docs] def get_trusted_certificate_by_id(self, id, headers=None, **query_parameters): """This API can displays details of a Trust Certificate based on a given ID. Args: id(basestring): id path parameter. ID of the trust certificate. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: RestResponse: REST response with following properties: - headers(MyDict): response headers. - response(MyDict): response body as a MyDict object. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. - content(bytes): representation of the request's response - text(str): representation of the request's response Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: pass with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True check_type(id, basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(query_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'id': id, } e_url = ('/api/v1/certs/trusted-certificate/{id}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: _api_response = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: _api_response = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_f8f4956d29b821fa9bbf23266_v3_1_patch_1', _api_response)
[docs] def update_trusted_certificate(self, id, authenticate_before_crl_received=None, automatic_crl_update=None, automatic_crl_update_period=None, automatic_crl_update_units=None, crl_distribution_url=None, crl_download_failure_retries=None, crl_download_failure_retries_units=None, description=None, download_crl=None, enable_ocsp_validation=None, enable_server_identity_check=None, ignore_crl_expiration=None, name=None, non_automatic_crl_update_period=None, non_automatic_crl_update_units=None, reject_if_no_status_from_ocs_p=None, reject_if_unreachable_from_ocs_p=None, selected_ocsp_service=None, status=None, trust_for_certificate_based_admin_auth=None, trust_for_cisco_services_auth=None, trust_for_client_auth=None, trust_for_ise_auth=None, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **query_parameters): """ Update a trusted certificate present in Cisco ISE trust store. Following parameters are used in PUT request body PARAMETER DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE name * required Friendly name of the certificate (required). "name": "Trust Certificate" status Status of the certificate "status": "Enabled" description Description of the certificate "description": "Certificate for secure connection to" trustForIseAuth Trust for authentication within Cisco ISE "trustForIseAuth": false trustForClientAuth Trust for client authentication and Syslog "trustForClientAuth": false trustForCertificateBasedAdminAuth Trust for certificate based Admin authentication "trustForCertificateBasedAdminAuth": false trustForCiscoServicesAuth Trust for authentication of Cisco Services "trustForCiscoServicesAuth": false enableOCSPValidation Switch to enable or disable OCSP Validation "enableOCSPValidation": false selectedOCSPService Name of selected OCSP Service "selectedOCSPService": "INTERNAL_OCSP_SERVICE" rejectIfNoStatusFromOCSP Switch to reject certificate if there is no status from OCSP "rejectIfNoStatusFromOCSP": false rejectIfUnreachableFromOCSP Switch to reject certificate if unreachable from OCSP "rejectIfUnreachableFromOCSP": false downloadCRL Switch to enable or disable download of CRL "downloadCRL": false crlDistributionUrl Certificate Revocation List Distribution URL "crlDistributionUrl": "CRL distribution URL" automaticCRLUpdate Switch to enable or disable automatic CRL update "automaticCRLUpdate": false automaticCRLUpdatePeriod Automatic CRL update period "automaticCRLUpdatePeriod": 5 automaticCRLUpdateUnits Unit of time for automatic CRL update "automaticCRLUpdateUnits": "Minutes" nonAutomaticCRLUpdatePeriod Non automatic CRL update period "nonAutomaticCRLUpdatePeriod": 1 nonAutomaticCRLUpdateUnits Unit of time of non automatic CRL update "nonAutomaticCRLUpdateUnits": "Hours" crlDownloadFailureRetries If CRL download fails, wait time before retry "crlDownloadFailureRetries": 10 crlDownloadFailureRetriesUnits Unit of time before retry if CRL download fails "crlDownloadFailureRetriesUnits": "Minutes" enableServerIdentityCheck Switch to enable or disable verification if HTTPS or LDAP server certificate name fits the configured server URL "enableServerIdentityCheck": false authenticateBeforeCRLReceived Switch to enable or disable CRL Verification if CRL is not Received "authenticateBeforeCRLReceived": false ignoreCRLExpiration Switch to enable or disable ignore CRL Expiration "ignoreCRLExpiration": false Trusted For Usage Authentication within Cisco ISE Use "trustForIseAuth":true if the certificate is used for trust within Cisco ISE, such as for secure communication between Cisco ISE nodes Client authentication and Syslog Use "trustForClientAuth":true if the certificate is to be used for authentication of endpoints that contact Cisco ISE over the EAP protocol. Also check this box if certificate is used to trust a Syslog server. Make sure to have keyCertSign bit asserted under KeyUsage extension for this certificate. Note: "trustForClientAuth" can be set true only if the "trustForIseAuth" has been set true. Certificate based admin authentication Use "trustForCertificateBasedAdminAuth":true if the certificate is used for trust within Cisco ISE, such as for secure communication between Cisco ISE nodes Note: "trustForCertificateBasedAdminAuth" can be set true only if "trustForIseAuth" and "trustForClientAuth" are true. Authentication of Cisco Services Use "trustForCiscoServicesAuth":true if the certificate is to be used for trusting external Cisco services, such as Feed Service. OCSP Configuration Usage Validation against OCSP service Use "enableOCSPValidation":true to validate the certificate against OCSP service mentioned in the field selectedOCSPService OCSP Service name Use "selectedOCSPService":"Name of OCSP Service" Name of the OCSP service against which the certificate should be validated Note: "selectedOCSPService" value is used if "enableOCSPValidation" has been set true. Reject the request if OCSP returns UNKNOWN status Use "rejectIfNoStatusFromOCSP":true to reject the certificate if the OCSP service returns UNKNOWN status Note: "rejectIfNoStatusFromOCSP:true" can be used only if "enableOCSPValidation" has been set true. Reject the request if OCSP Responder is unreachable Use "rejectIfUnreachableFromOCSP":true to reject the certificate if the OCSP service is unreachable. Note: "rejectIfUnreachableFromOCSP:true" can be used only if "enableOCSPValidation" has been set true. Certificate Revocation List Configuration Usage Validation against CRL Use "downloadCRL":true to validate the certificate against CRL downloaded from URL mentioned in the field crlDistributionUrl CRL distribution url Use "crlDistributionUrl" to specify the URL from where the CRL should be downloaded Note: "crlDistributionUrl" value is used if "downloadCRL" has been set true. Retrieve CRL time Use "automaticCRLUpdate":true and automaticCRLUpdatePeriod, automaticCRLUpdatePeriod to set the time before which CRL is automatically retrieved prior to expiration Use "nonAutomaticCRLUpdatePeriod, nonAutomaticCRLUpdateUnits to set the time period for CRL retrieval in loop. Note: All the above fields can be used only if "downloadCRL" has been set true. If download fails Use "crlDownloadFailureRetries" and "crlDownloadFailureRetriesUnits" to set retry time period if CRL download fails Note: "crlDownloadFailureRetries" and "crlDownloadFailureRetriesUnits" can be used only if "downloadCRL" has been set true. Enable Server Identity Check Use "enableServerIdentityCheck":true to verify that HTTPS or LDAPS server certificate name fits the configured server URL Note: "enableServerIdentityCheck:true" can be used only if "downloadCRL" has been set true. Bypass CRL Verification if CRL is not Received Use "authenticateBeforeCRLReceived":true to bypass CRL Verification if CRL is not Received Note: "authenticateBeforeCRLReceived:true" can be used only if "downloadCRL" has been set true. Ignore that CRL is not yet valid or has expired Use "ignoreCRLExpiration":true to ignore if CRL is not yet valid or expired Note: "ignoreCRLExpiration:true" can be used only if "downloadCRL" has been set true. Note: boolean properties accept integers values as well, with 0 considered as false and other values being considered as true . Args: authenticate_before_crl_received(boolean): Switch to enable or disable CRL verification if CRL is not received, property of the request body. automatic_crl_update(boolean): Switch to enable or disable automatic CRL update, property of the request body. automatic_crl_update_period(integer): Automatic CRL update period, property of the request body. automatic_crl_update_units(string): Unit of time for automatic CRL update, property of the request body. Available values are 'Days', 'Hours', 'Minutes' and 'Weeks'. crl_distribution_url(string): CRL Distribution URL, property of the request body. crl_download_failure_retries(integer): If CRL download fails, wait time before retry, property of the request body. crl_download_failure_retries_units(string): Unit of time before retry if CRL download fails, property of the request body. Available values are 'Days', 'Hours', 'Minutes' and 'Weeks'. description(string): Description for trust certificate, property of the request body. download_crl(boolean): Switch to enable or disable download of CRL, property of the request body. enable_ocsp_validation(boolean): Switch to enable or disable OCSP Validation, property of the request body. enable_server_identity_check(boolean): Switch to enable or disable verification if HTTPS or LDAP server certificate name fits the configured server URL, property of the request body. ignore_crl_expiration(boolean): Switch to enable or disable ignore CRL expiration, property of the request body. name(string): Friendly name of the certificate, property of the request body. non_automatic_crl_update_period(integer): Non automatic CRL update period, property of the request body. non_automatic_crl_update_units(string): Unit of time of non automatic CRL update, property of the request body. Available values are 'Days', 'Hours', 'Minutes' and 'Weeks'. reject_if_no_status_from_ocs_p(boolean): Switch to reject certificate if there is no status from OCSP, property of the request body. reject_if_unreachable_from_ocs_p(boolean): Switch to reject certificate if unreachable from OCSP, property of the request body. selected_ocsp_service(string): Name of selected OCSP Service, property of the request body. status(string): status, property of the request body. Available values are 'Disabled' and 'Enabled'. trust_for_certificate_based_admin_auth(boolean): Trust for Certificate based Admin authentication, property of the request body. trust_for_cisco_services_auth(boolean): Trust for authentication of Cisco Services, property of the request body. trust_for_client_auth(boolean): Trust for client authentication and Syslog, property of the request body. trust_for_ise_auth(boolean): Trust for authentication within Cisco ISE, property of the request body. id(basestring): id path parameter. ID of the trust certificate. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(dict): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: RestResponse: REST response with following properties: - headers(MyDict): response headers. - response(MyDict): response body as a MyDict object. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. - content(bytes): representation of the request's response - text(str): representation of the request's response Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: pass with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True is_xml_payload = 'application/xml' in _headers.get('Content-Type', []) if active_validation and is_xml_payload: check_type(payload, basestring) if active_validation and not is_xml_payload: check_type(payload, dict) check_type(id, basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(query_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'id': id, } if is_xml_payload: _payload = payload else: _payload = { 'authenticateBeforeCRLReceived': authenticate_before_crl_received, 'automaticCRLUpdate': automatic_crl_update, 'automaticCRLUpdatePeriod': automatic_crl_update_period, 'automaticCRLUpdateUnits': automatic_crl_update_units, 'crlDistributionUrl': crl_distribution_url, 'crlDownloadFailureRetries': crl_download_failure_retries, 'crlDownloadFailureRetriesUnits': crl_download_failure_retries_units, 'description': description, 'downloadCRL': download_crl, 'enableOCSPValidation': enable_ocsp_validation, 'enableServerIdentityCheck': enable_server_identity_check, 'ignoreCRLExpiration': ignore_crl_expiration, 'name': name, 'nonAutomaticCRLUpdatePeriod': non_automatic_crl_update_period, 'nonAutomaticCRLUpdateUnits': non_automatic_crl_update_units, 'rejectIfNoStatusFromOCSP': reject_if_no_status_from_ocs_p, 'rejectIfUnreachableFromOCSP': reject_if_unreachable_from_ocs_p, 'selectedOCSPService': selected_ocsp_service, 'status': status, 'trustForCertificateBasedAdminAuth': trust_for_certificate_based_admin_auth, 'trustForCiscoServicesAuth': trust_for_cisco_services_auth, 'trustForClientAuth': trust_for_client_auth, 'trustForIseAuth': trust_for_ise_auth, } _payload.update(payload or {}) _payload = dict_from_items_with_values(_payload) if active_validation and not is_xml_payload: self._request_validator('jsd_cb625d5ad0ad76b93282f5818a_v3_1_patch_1')\ .validate(_payload) e_url = ('/api/v1/certs/trusted-certificate/{id}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) request_params = {'data': _payload} if is_xml_payload else {'json': _payload} if with_custom_headers: _api_response = self._session.put(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers, **request_params) else: _api_response = self._session.put(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, **request_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_cb625d5ad0ad76b93282f5818a_v3_1_patch_1', _api_response)
[docs] def delete_trusted_certificate_by_id(self, id, headers=None, **query_parameters): """This API deletes a Trust Certificate from Trusted Certificate Store based on a given ID. Args: id(basestring): id path parameter. ID of the Trusted Certificate to be deleted. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **query_parameters: Additional query parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: RestResponse: REST response with following properties: - headers(MyDict): response headers. - response(MyDict): response body as a MyDict object. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. - content(bytes): representation of the request's response - text(str): representation of the request's response Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the Identity Services Engine cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: pass with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True check_type(id, basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(query_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'id': id, } e_url = ('/api/v1/certs/trusted-certificate/{id}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: _api_response = self._session.delete(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: _api_response = self._session.delete(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_c578ef80918b5d038024d126cd6e3b8d_v3_1_patch_1', _api_response)